Enter the name for this tabbed section: 1- Man-Sized Problems
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Pornography. Anger. Loneliness. Boredom.

Overworked. Addicted. Stressed. Depressed

Cynical. Bound to Religious Duty. Disconnected.

Trying Hard. Striving. Exhausted.

These are just a few of the symptoms that we, as men, are all too familiar with. In my own life virtually all of these issues have been at the forefront at one time or another, often all at once.

My own story starts with multiple years of sexual abuse as a young boy, spins into a nearly three decade long battle with pornography at age 13, followed by a first marriage that ended with an affair and divorce, and a work life where I was constantly battling to be recognized and promoted by working harder than everyone else, racing to be noticed. All along I have found myself fighting a life-sapping mixture of stress, boredom and anger that I just couldn't shake. And my Christianity seemed to offer little help. Frankly, it felt irrelevant to my day-to-day struggles. It just seemed like one more added layer to the stress, work, performance, boredom and my Sunday "to-do" list. I wanted something more, but just didn't know where to start.

And each man on our team has his own story. Deaths. Divorce. Drugs. Sex. Religion. Stress. Fights. Trying to be the nice guy. Trying to be the tough guy. Just trying…

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Do you have the same experience? The details of your particular story are different than mine, but at your core, do you struggle with the sense that your life just isn't the way it was meant to be?

That's a trick question… because I know the answer already. Any man that takes a moment to be honest with themselves knows that the answer screams at you. Yes, us men do a whole bunch of things to quiet that voice, that discontent, that… pain. But even when it's pushed down into the dark corners of our heart and mind, it finds a way to come out. Probably through our constant battle with one of the symptoms listed above. And as much as we try to hide it, our "fig leaves" are showing, even with our best efforts to appear like we have our lives together.

So what do we do?

go to: "2- 'Try Harder' Fails"

Enter the name for this tabbed section: 2- "Try Harder" Fails
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Are we to just "suck it up and get on with life" like I heard one "motivational" speaker say once (I wasn't very motivated after that)?

Are we supposed to just "be OK" with our broken condition like I hear from songs, movies and our culture (I lose count at all the songs that proclaim "I'm never changing who I am")?

Or are we supposed to "just do more" to be a good Christian man like I hear in most churches on any given Sunday (you need to pray more, volunteer more, give more, be accountable, get in a small group, really get serious about God this time, really commit to being a better man, husband or father, just do more...)?

The reality is that all these messages are really the same. It's the message of "Try Harder".

Either try harder to forget your issues, try harder to ignore that they are harmful, or try harder to fix yourself. Whatever the choice, just "Try Harder".

But this only leaves you with deadly case of denial and character issues, or a deadly case of religiosity… not deep Freedom, Passion and Life. Unfortunately, most men have never known any other way. So we settle into one of these methods of coping and just get on with getting busy.

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However, there is only one thing worse than the life we have found ourselves living... it is that we have grown accustomed to it. We have settled and we have become OK living that way. But in those quiet moments before sunrise or at night staring at the computer screen, we feel the ache inside us, yearning for more, hoping there's more… something more than what we know.

You see, long forgotten are the things that make men come alive. And it's a tragedy, for this is how we, as men, bear the image of a wild, unfettered and free God. There is something fierce, passionate and wild in the heart of every man… placed there by God Himself, because that is part of who He is.   The reason most men live lives of 'quiet desperation" is because we have never really found a life worth living for, something worth being passionate about, someone that engages this deep, but wounded, heart that beats, even if faintly, inside us. 

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And most unfortunately, the Christian church has offered men few options. 

Most churches either tell men that the reason God put them on earth is to be a good boy. To be nice. Harmless. Moral. Unoffensive. "Just don't swear, drink or smoke or go with girls who do."

Or they institute the a high pressure game of playing the "committed Christian man" whose focus is usually exclusively on sin management, accountability partners and getting your life in order which just breeds a surface, external "face" that men put on whenever they come to church.

There is no doubt about it. You'd have to admit, most Christian men, if they are honest, find themselves.... restless, bored, defeated, cynical, angry... or the very least, unfulfilled, drifting, tired and drained, with no idea who or where to turn.

go to: "3- A Better Way"

Enter the name for this tabbed section: 3- A Better Way
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The Great News is that there IS a different way... a BETTER way!  In fact, God's heart for you is a universe away from boring and unfulfilling.  His heart for you is exactly what your true heart is desiring.

You see, He designed Men to be dangerous…Dangerous for Good!  He designed us for Adventure!  He designed us to want our lives to count for Something and for Someone.  He designed us to be Warrior-Sons!

He designed us to live Alert, Passionate, Alive and Free!

We want to really Live! He wants that for us too. That was always His intent.

Our events are designed to help you find this Life. To create the opportunity for you to take time out of your busy life to go on a guided mission to Discover and Recover the revolution and release of YOUR heart- as a man.  To discover for yourself who YOU were meant to be. And by blowing the religion off of Who has been pursuing you all your life.

And when you begin to discover it, it is nothing short of a Revolution.

go to: "4- Choices"

Enter the name for this tabbed section: 4- Choices
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Unfortunately, at least in this world, the kind of Life we want does not roll up on a new Harley, neatly wrapped in diamond-encrusted hundred dollar bills, on a silver tray held by a supermodel that happens to be also your wife.

In fact, that kind of life seems so far away from most of our day-to-day existence that most of us men barely even allow ourselves a moment to dream about a life so Awake, So Free, so Passionate, so Restored and so Alive. When's the last time you stopped for ten seconds to imagine what your life could really be? Did you even take the time to do it?

Exactly our point.

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But that does not mean that it is not available. It just means that it might take a journey to find it. It might take a fight to grab hold of it. And it might take a choice to live it.

We all find ourselves right there as men. For most of us, life is not something that we are living free, passionately and alive but more like something that we struggle through, daily.

But there is hope...

This kind of Life is not only desperately needed by men, it is very
possible and available! You don't have to go on living the way you did yesterday. In the words of the band Switchfoot, "Every breath is a second chance."

But it all comes down to you.

Are you ready to make the choice? Do you have the courage to reach for Real Life?

Then join us for our next Heart Revolution event!

go to: "5- What We Are"

Enter the name for this tabbed section: 5- What We Are
Let's start with what we are NOT:
  • We are not a "men's group", although you will meet many like-hearted men through it and may even decide to stick together.
  • We are not a "men's study or program" that you must complete, although there is a method to how and why we do the things we do.
  • We are not just a one-time "men's retreat" or event, although our events are the primary vehicle that we utilize to accomplish our mission.
  • We are not teaching some "new" or "modified" form of Christianity, although you will undoubtably experience incredible, life-changing insights that you have never known before.

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So what ARE we?
Our message and mission is about taking a man and teaching him a new way to live- Awake, Alert, Passionate, Alive and Free!

Something that can only be done by taking a man out of his day-to-day experience, ripping the tired old religion off of Christianity, and showing a man:
  • What Story he is really living in
  • Why he finds himself in his current condition
  • How he's chosen to deal with Reality
  • How to experience genuine Restoration
  • Opening his eyes to Who he really is
  • Discovering he was designed to do

We've found that the best way to do this is through challenging, fun, and catalytic events designed by men, for men.

go to: "6- Our Events"
Enter the name for this tabbed section: 6- Our Events
At our events, we combine a unique mixture of authentic and proven teaching content, fun optional adventure activities (horseback riding, skeet shooting, archery, climbing wall, zip one, etc.), powerful solo times, great "man" food, and guided small platoon interactions- all in a low-pressure, genuine, non-"churchy" environment filled with like-minded men who are also searching for more in their lives.

We promise there is NO kum-ba-ya stuff. You won't be standing up in front of a group of strangers telling your deepest, darkest secrets. And all the adventure stuff is optional (but when you see that it really is some fun stuff, you'll probably want to do it anyway)

But you WILL be challenged. This is more like a "boot camp" for your mind and heart than a "men's retreat" where you hear a bunch of rehashed "try harder" garbage. We unapologetically guide you to face the messages in your life that are holding you back. The misconceptions and beliefs that you are not even aware are operating your every move. The fears that keep you passive or keep you enslaved to your job, or money, or control, or sex, or whatever you've chosen.

And we guide you to a totally new encounter with the only One and only Way to finding Real Life, True Freedom and Lasting Restoration.
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The format is Simple, but the impact is Profound. Or in a word…


Find more specific event details at Events.

"The Tragedy of Life is what dies inside a man while he yet lives."

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KTIS- Real Recovery: 2013
KTIS- Real Recovery: 2012
KKMS- Bob & Tom Show
KTIS- Eldredge interview excerpt