Pastors and Leaders Info

So what is this thing called Heart Revolution and why would you support it in your church or men’s group?

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    Heart Revolution is about irreversible change.

    We are committed to presenting, in the most relevant manner possible, and in the language a man understands, the most Revolutionary connection on this earth... a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    We have found that most men in most churches are the 'walking wounded'.  Plagued by a lifetime of personal assault, poor decisions and a 'tips and techniques' Christianity, they have been left powerless, hopeless, wandering and bored. 

    Unfortunately, the message most men hear in response to their situation is "Just try harder".

    This won't work... it never has.

    The magnificent miracle of the Living Gospel is that, as a Christian, the actual Spirit of God has been placed in the heart of a man, giving him a new heart.  And with this new heart comes automatic 'wiring' to respond to the deep truth and life of God.  Problem is, most of what men hear, encounter and believe is not truth... it's religion. Their image of God and themselves has been clouded, marred and left anemic, powerless and frankly, useless.

    Heart Revolution has been created and designed to strip away 'religiosity' from the message and person of Jesus Christ and present the abundant life and freedom that God truly offers His men in a way that connects this new heart's 'wiring' to its source... or in our vernacular "giving a man back their heart."  As Proverbs clearly states; "Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of Life".  We strive to 'uncork' that spring.

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    Let us clearly state what we are NOT about. We are not about stealing men from a church's ministry.  We are not about forming a new church or men’s group. Also we are not about creating a one time “rah, rah”, mountaintop event that quickly fades from a man’s memory. As good as it can be to get a man excited about something, if it cannot last past the heat of a Monday morning at the office or shop, then it is really a waste of time. Our mission is to go below the surface… WAAAAAy below… and connect with a man at his core, his gut, his… heart.

    Our Mission is… To Wake Men Up To: Experience Restoration, Discover Their Identity and Live Their Passion & Mission!

    It’s all heart... it all starts at the core.

    And we want to be a partner mission with you. An 'event provider' if you will... to give your church and men’s ministry
    two unique benefits.

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    First, we are a place where YOU, as men's group leaders and pastors, can go to find personal help, healing and recharging.

    Many in leadership are in desperate need of a place to set aside the mantel of leadership for a while and just receive... not be 'on' for a change. Our events provide just such a time and place to do that. We lead. You can just be one of the guys for a change. Get renewed, recharged, re-discover your Source. You’re a target. You need your time away. We are that place for you.

    Second, every ministry has limited resources, limited time and limited budget

    Doing retreats and events takes a significant amount of these valuable resources to pull together... resources that are really needed to fulfill the day-to-day needs of ministry. 

    Heart Revolution's mission is to relieve this strain by being a place that offers one of the best events around for men to attend and then return to their own worlds and churches 'fully alive'. We need you to spend your resources and efforts on the day-to-day, week-to-week needs of men… you need us to provide those “catalytic” events and moments for you to springboard off of as you reach your men, and with the added benefit of getting your men back more restored, more alive, more equipped and ready to help other men discover what they’ve experienced. And we know this first hand, because...

    As can be read on the Team page, we offer this, finally, because our own lives have been incredibly transformed by God through the message of the Gospel and our heart's passion is to see this same impact on the men (and by connection, their women) in our part of the world, the midwest.

    First, we'd like to extend a personal invitation to you to attend our events for yourself.  We want you to experience this for yourself. To aid in this invitation, we want to extend a special pastors and leaders discount to you off the registration fee. Just follow the normal links to register that are found on our event pages, and when you get to the payment screen, you will see a option for Pastors and Leaders to use.

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    Second, would you consider sending or sponsoring leaders from your men’s ministry leadership team

    We are extending the special discount to them as well. 

    We believe that once you attend, you will walk away with tremendous personal impact and you will also see the benefit of recommending this event to the men in your church. 

    Third, would you partnership with us to promote our events to your group or church.

    We have several options:
    • Live announcements at meetings/services (by you or us). 
    • A live short/full length presentation at services/meetings 
    • Staffing an event or ministry table.
    • One-on-One meetings with leaders/pastors  
    • Posters to hang, flyers for handout/bulletin stuffers.
    • Several promotional Videos of various lengths suitable for announcements
    • Whatever else we can think of together

    To arrange promotional activities, please email us at ObscureMyEmail2.

    To order (free) promotional materials, please go

    We look forward to partnering with you.

    "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."