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Terry Pernsteiner

What does Heart Revolution mean to you?
Another creative way to offer the hope and the time to let men see all they were intended to be, along with an understanding of the intended freedom and joy they are made to experience moment by moment in their lives.  Lose the shame, break the agreements ("I can't do this” or “I am so that") and chase the wild goose.
Where did you grow up?
Medford, Wisconsin
What makes you come alive?  
Seeing people find hope in a fallen world.
What was your favorite toy or sport as a young boy?
Too many to name... baseball, hockey, football...
What is the best way to get from point A to point B?
Finding the full experiential meaning of the journey.  I say this even as a former cross country truck driver.  Live each day fully.
Where do you do your best thinking?  
Sometimes in the quiet of early morning, sometimes in the heat of battle. Usually both.
What is your all time favorite movie?
A Beautiful Mind
When you need some adventure in your life what do you do?
I find it in music, business entrepreneurial efforts, snowboarding and walks with my wife.
What gadget can you not live without?
My iPhone.
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